Quick Info

- Made with: Unity Game Engine
- Using the language: C#
- My role: N/A
- Game genre: Casual, Managing
- Made in a timespan of: 4 weeks
- Teamsize: 1


For this project, I needed to make my own contract so that I could make a demo for a game that was going through the process of pitching ideas to others. If my contract, and therefore my pitch, was given the green light, I then needed to sign the contract. Thereby promising that I would finish this game within 4 weeks and that at least 85% of what I had promised to deliver was made.

The contract I needed to set up (written in Dutch)

The idea that I pitched was going to be a game where you'd play as a mayor of a town whose houses lost their bright colors. It's then up to the player to repaint every house to its original color palette.
With this concept I tried to combine multiple games into 1, these games were: Animal Crossing, Paper Mario, and Splatoon.

Even though I eventually found solutions through Youtube and some Forums, I had the most trouble with the painting of a house, since I was less known with the use of shaders, and I had too short of a time span to follow tutorial sessions and learn more about this topic. My way around this problem was to apply a color material on the surface I wanted to paint
and increase its saturation level until it was at 100%. This was an effect that came close enough to what I wanted.

Code Snippets

Painting Of A House

The main mechanic of this game is the abilty to paint houses. Each house has been split up into parts which all have a "PaintableSurface.cs" script attached to them, these react to the paint blob particles that collide with them.


Rating Of A House

Another mechanic to the game was the rating of the players performance on a villager's house. When the player talks to the villager again all the statistics of the house are being collected and compared to see if they are matching the mission description.


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